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jot to write hurriedly (usu. fol. by "down"). [2 definitions]
jota a Spanish dance in three-four time, performed by a man and woman to the rhythmic clicking of castanets, or the music for such a dance.
jotting a short written note, as to oneself.
joule a unit of energy equal to the work done by one newton moving through a distance of one meter, or to ten million ergs.
jounce to move or be moved jerkily and unevenly; bounce. [2 definitions]
journal a record of personal experiences, reflections, or daily events. [4 definitions]
journalese the light, exuberant, and sometimes substandard writing or language often associated with popular magazines and newspapers.
journalism the profession of reporting, writing, editing, or broadcasting news and information. [3 definitions]
journalist one whose profession is journalism.
journalistic of, relating to, or having the characteristics of journalism or journalists.
journey a trip, usu. a lengthy one, from one place to another. [3 definitions]
journeyman a worker who has completed an apprenticeship, as in a craft. [2 definitions]
joust a real or simulated fight in which two knights on horseback ride toward each other and try to unhorse each other with lances or other weapons. [4 definitions]
Jove the god Jupiter.
jovial heartily cheerful, friendly, and merry; convivial.
Jovian of, pertaining to, or like the Roman god Jove. [2 definitions]
jowl1 a jawbone, esp. the lower one. [2 definitions]
jowl2 skin, flesh, or the like that hangs down from the lower jaw.
joy an exalted feeling or emotion; bliss; elation. [3 definitions]
joyful full of joy; feeling, expressing, or causing great happiness.
joyless without happiness or joy; dismal or sad.