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kid gloves soft, smooth gloves made of kidskin.
kidnap to capture and hold (someone) hostage until specified demands, as for money, are met.
kidney either of a pair of organs located high in the abdominal cavity near the spine which extract waste products from the blood and excrete them in urine. [2 definitions]
kidney bean a common garden bean cultivated for its red, edible seed, or the kidney-shaped seed itself.
kidney stone an abnormal mass of hard mineral deposits that forms in the kidney.
kidskin soft leather made from the skins of young goats.
Kiehtan the Creator, according to Wampanoag beliefs.
kielbasa a smoked Polish sausage, flavored with garlic and other seasonings.
kieselguhr diatomaceous earth.
Kiev former English spelling of the capital of Ukraine, now Kyiv.
Kigali the capital of Rwanda.
kike (offensive slang) a Jewish person.
Kikonia a city in eastern Thrace on the Aegean Sea.
Kikonian of or pertaining to Kikonia, a city in eastern Thrace on the Aegean Sea. [3 definitions]
kilim (sometimes cap.) a patterned wool rug made in the Middle East.
kill1 to cause to die. [10 definitions]
kill2 a creek (used in place names, esp. in the Northeastern U.S.)
killdeer a plover native to North American inland waters and fields, having two black bands on a white breast.
killer someone or something that kills.
killer satellite an orbiting satellite that can be directed to a target satellite and destroy it.
killer whale a very large predatory dolphin, usu. black and white, that feeds on seals and large fish.