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Negro leagues former U.S. baseball leagues in which all players were Black. The Negro leagues were most prominent from the 1920s to the early 1950s, after which Black players were increasingly integrated into the U.S. major leagues. [2 definitions]
negus a beverage made of wine, hot water, lemon juice, nutmeg, and sugar.
Nehemiah according to the Old Testament, a Hebrew leader of the fifth century B.C. [2 definitions]
neigh to make the long, high-pitched sound of a horse; whinny. [2 definitions]
neighbor a person who lives close to someone else. [7 definitions]
neighborhood the part of a town or city in which one lives, or a local area that has particular distinguishing characteristics. [3 definitions]
neighboring situated near or adjacent.
neighborly relating to or characteristic of neighbors; friendly.
neighbour a spelling of "neighbor" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighbor" for more information.
neighbourhood a spelling of "neighborhood" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighborhood" for more information.
neighbourly a spelling of "neighborly" used in Canada and Britain. See "neighborly" for more information.
neither not either (usu. fol. by "nor"). [3 definitions]
neither here nor there irrelevant or immaterial; without significance.
nelson any of several wrestling holds in which the arm is passed under that of the opponent from behind and the hand is pressed against his head, neck, or arm.
Nelson Mandela South African statesman, anti-apartheid activist, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, who was held as a political prisoner for 27 years and became the first democratically elected and first black President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 (b. 1918).
nematode an unsegmented, usu. parasitic worm having an elongated, cylindrical body; roundworm.
nemesis that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall. [3 definitions]
nemo me impune lacessit (Latin) no one attacks me with impunity (motto of Scotland).
neo- (sometimes cap.) recent; new; later.
Neocene see "tertiary."
neoclassic belonging to or concerning a revival of classical styles, forms, and principles in art, music, literature, or architecture.