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old-timer someone or something that is old. [2 definitions]
old wives' tale a superstition, usu. embodied as a folk tale or bit of folk wisdom.
Old World the Eastern Hemisphere, esp. Europe or European culture.
old-world of, concerning, or reminiscent of Europe or Europeans. [2 definitions]
-ole any of certain chemical compounds containing a five-member, usu. heterocyclic ring. [2 definitions]
olé used to express approval or excitement, usu. heard in Hispanic countries.
oleaginous of, concerning, or like oil; oily. [3 definitions]
oleander any of several poisonous evergreen shrubs of the dogbane family that bear white, pink, or red blossoms.
oleate an ester or salt of oleic acid.
oleic of, pertaining to, or derived from oil or oleic acid.
oleic acid an oily acid, not soluble in water, that occurs in most animal and vegetable fats and oils, and is used in soap, ointments, and cosmetics.
olein the liquid triglyceride of oleic acid, occurring in most fats and oils and as the major component of olive oil. [2 definitions]
oleo an imitation butter made chiefly from vegetable oil; margarine; oleomargarine.
oleo- oil.
oleomargarine an imitation butter made chiefly from vegetable oil; margarine; oleo.
oleoresin a naturally occurring mixture of resin and an essential oil such as turpentine.
olfaction the faculty of perceiving odors; sense of smell. [2 definitions]
olfactory of, concerning, or stimulating the perception of smells. [3 definitions]
olfactory nerve either of the first pair of cranial nerves that transmit nerve impulses from the mucous membrane in the nose to the forebrain.
oligarch one of the leaders in an oligarchy, a government made up of a relatively small set of people. [2 definitions]
oligarchy a government or state in which only a relatively few people or members of a family have real power. [2 definitions]