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palm2 any of numerous mainly tropical evergreen plants, usu. an unbranched tree having a crown of large divided leaves, or fronds. [3 definitions]
palmate shaped like a hand with the fingers extended and spread, as various natural forms such as leaves. [2 definitions]
palm crab a large land-dwelling crab of the South Pacific that feeds on coconuts.
palmer a pilgrim, esp. of medieval Europe, who carried a palm leaf as a sign of having made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
palmetto any of various low-growing palms that have fan-shaped leaves.
palmistry the practice or art of foretelling one's future or divining one's character by interpreting the lines or creases on the palm.
palmitic acid a fatty acid obtained from palm oil and other natural oils and fats that is used in making soaps.
palm leaf a leaf, esp. of a palmetto, that is used in making hats, fans, and the like.
palm off to sell or get someone to accept (something) by deception, as by misrepresenting it.
palm oil a yellow oil obtained from the fruit of various palms, used in making soaps, candles, cosmetics, and in some food products, such as chocolate.
Palm Sunday in many Christian churches, the Sunday before Easter, commemorating the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
palm tree any of numerous, mainly tropical, evergreen plants, usu. unbranched and having a crown of large divided leaves, or fronds.
palmy flourishing or prosperous, as certain time periods. [2 definitions]
palmyra a fan palm of Asia and Africa cultivated for its durable wood, its edible fruit, its sap, used for beverages, and its leaves, used for thatching.
palomino one of a breed of horses that has a golden or tan coat and a whitish mane and tail.
paloverde any of several spiny, nearly leafless shrubs of southwestern North America that bear bright yellow flowers.
palp see "palpus."
palpable easy to sense or perceive; obvious. [2 definitions]
palpate to examine (an internal organ or an external part of the body) for medical reasons by touching or pressing.
palpitate of the heart, to pulsate rapidly; flutter; quiver. [2 definitions]
palpitation an act, instance, or condition of fluttering, quivering, or beating rapidly, as the heart.