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rose acacia a shrub found in the southern United States that has brittle, prickling branches and bears clusters of large, rose-colored flowers.
roseate suffused or tinged with a rose color; rosy. [2 definitions]
Roseau the capital of Dominica.
rose-breasted grosbeak a North American grosbeak, the male of which has a triangular, rosy patch on the breast.
rosebud the bud of a rose, or something resembling it.
rosebush a bush that bears roses.
rose chafer a long-legged gray beetle that feeds on and damages roses and other plants; rose bug; rose beetle.
rose-colored deep reddish pink; rosy. [2 definitions]
rose-colored glasses an optimistic or overly favorable attitude.
rose fever a form of hay fever that occurs in spring or early summer as an allergic reaction to rose pollen.
rose geranium any of several geraniums that bear small pink or rose-colored flowers and are grown for their fragrant leaves, used in flavorings and perfumes.
rose hip the fruit of the rose plant, which contains several smaller fruitlets and is usu. red in color.
rose mallow any of several plants related to mallow, esp. a tall North American marsh species that has downy leaves and bears large, showy, white or pink flowers.
rosemary a fragrant evergreen herb of the mint family originating in the Mediterranean region, the leaves of which are used as a seasoning and in perfumes and medicines.
rose of Jericho a fernlike desert plant of Asia that curls up tightly in dry conditions and expands again in moist ones.
rose of Sharon a tall, hardy shrub or small tree that bears bright bell-shaped flowers of pink, purple, or white. [2 definitions]
rose oil an essential oil obtained from roses; attar of roses.
roseola a rose-colored rash, such as rubella.
rose quartz a pink or rose-colored variety of quartz, used as a gemstone.
roseslug the larva of any of certain sawflies, which feeds on rose leaves.
Rosetta stone an inscribed stone tablet found near Rosetta, Egypt, in 1799 that bears parallel legends in Greek as well as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic and demotic scripts, thus enabling the first deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics. [2 definitions]