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small-scale constructed with fewer details as a smaller version of an original or of a proposed model. [2 definitions]
small talk informal or unimportant conversation; chitchat.
small-time of little significance or influence.
small-town of or characteristic of a small town. [2 definitions]
smarmy overly or sickeningly flattering or servile.
smart quick-witted; intelligent. [11 definitions]
smart aleck an annoyingly conceited, overbearing, or self-confident person.
smart cookie (informal) a person with a keen intelligence who is particularly good at finding solutions and taking advantage of opportunities.
smarten to make neater, more attractive, or more intelligent (usu. fol. by up). [3 definitions]
smartphone a cell phone equipped with certain features such as internet access and the ability to run downloaded applications.
smart set sophisticated, fashionable people, considered as a group.
smartweed any of various small, flowering marsh plants that produce an acrid juice that irritates the skin.
smarty see "smart aleck."
smash to break (something) into small pieces by hitting, throwing, or dropping, often noisily. [13 definitions]
smashed (slang) drunk.
smashing (informal) outstanding or impressive. [2 definitions]
smash-up a damaging collision, esp. between automobiles; wreck.
smattering a small or inadequate amount, esp. of knowledge of a subject.
smear to spread or apply (a sticky, oily, or greasy substance) on or over a surface. [9 definitions]
smearcase a soft spreadable cheese, such as cottage cheese or cream cheese.
smeary having smears; smeared. [2 definitions]