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sycamore any of a group of tall trees bearing leaves with hollow leafstalk bases and flowers in balls, esp. the American plane tree or buttonwood. [3 definitions]
sycophancy servile flattery for the purpose of gaining personal favor from someone of influence.
sycophant one that flatters and fawns over superiors in order to get favors or advance his or her position; toady.
Sydney a seaport and provincial capital in southeastern Australia.
syl- together.
syli the chief monetary unit of Guinea, equaling one hundred cory.
syllabary a table or list of syllables. [2 definitions]
syllabic of or consisting of a syllable or syllables. [4 definitions]
syllabicate to divide (a word) into syllables; syllabify.
syllabify to divide (a word) into syllables; syllabicate.
syllable a segment of speech formed with a single uninterrupted pulse of air pressure, usu. consisting of a single vowel or diphthong with or without surrounding consonants. [3 definitions]
syllabub a beverage or dessertlike dish of cream or milk, sweetened and mixed with wine or liquor and sometimes gelatin.
syllabus an outline of the contents of a curriculum, lecture series, text, or the like.
syllogism in logic, a type of deductive reasoning based on a major and a minor premise, whose conclusion must be true if the two premises are true. [2 definitions]
sylph in myth, any of a group of beings that inhabit the air. [2 definitions]
sylvan pertaining to or characteristic of woods or forests. [3 definitions]
sym- together.
symbiont an organism that lives in a symbiotic relationship with another.
symbiosis a close association, usu. a mutually beneficial relationship, between two dissimilar organisms.
symbol something that represents something else, esp. a material sign or object that stands for a complex or abstract concept. [2 definitions]
symbolic of, relating to, or represented by a symbol. [3 definitions]