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theta the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet.
The Thousand and One Nights see "Arabian Nights."
the tropics the region of the earth that lies above and below the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, known for having a hot climate.
the whole nine yards the whole thing or every possible thing, or to the greatest extent necessary or possible; the whole way.
thews muscles, sinews, or physical strength.
they those people, animals, or things being pointed to. [5 definitions]
they'd contracted form of "they had," or contracted form of "they would."
they'll contracted form of "they will."
they're contracted form of "they are."
they've contracted form of "they have."
thiamine a white, crystalline member of the vitamin B complex, found in many foods, esp. whole grains, required in human nutrition for metabolism; vitamin B1.
thiazine any of several chemical compounds whose molecules contain a ring of one atom each of sulfur and nitrogen and four carbon atoms.
thick relatively great in the measure of the smallest dimension from one side to the opposite side. [10 definitions]
thicken to make thick or thicker. [3 definitions]
thickening the act of making or becoming thick. [3 definitions]
thicket a thick or dense patch of shrubs, underbrush, or small trees. [2 definitions]
thickheaded slow to comprehend; dull or stupid.
thickness the condition or quality of being thick. [4 definitions]
thickset having a thick, solid body; stocky. [2 definitions]
thick-skinned having a thick skin. [2 definitions]
thick-witted stupid; unintelligent; dull.