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unhurried combined form of hurried.
unhurt combined form of hurt.
unhydrolyzed combined form of hydrolyzed.
unhygienic combined form of hygienic.
unhyphenated combined form of hyphenated.
unhysterical combined form of hysterical.
unhysterically combined form of hysterically.
uni- single; one.
Uniate a member of any Eastern Christian Church that is in union with the Roman Catholic Church, but has its own rites, customs, and the like.
uniaxial having only one axis, as some crystals.
unicameral consisting of one legislative body.
UNICEF abbreviation of "United Nations Children's Fund" (formerly, "United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund").
unicellular consisting of a single cell.
unicorn a mythical animal having the body of a horse and a single horn projecting from its forehead.
unicycle a one-wheeled vehicle usu. propelled by means of pedals.
unidealistic combined form of idealistic.
unidentifiable combined form of identifiable.
unidentified having an unknown or as yet undetermined name or nature; not identified.
unideological combined form of ideological.
unidiomatic combined form of idiomatic.
unification the process of making into a single unit or entity. [2 definitions]