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warm-blooded designating animals whose body temperature remains relatively constant and warm, independent of the surrounding temperature. [2 definitions]
warmed-over of cooked foods, heated and served again. [2 definitions]
warm front the advancing edge of a mass of warm air that rises over colder air, usu. causing steady precipitation.
warm-hearted having or showing sympathy, compassion, kindness, or generosity.
warming pan a long-handled pan, usu. of brass, made to be filled with coals or hot water, covered, and passed between the sheets of a bed to warm them.
warmonger a person who advocates, or encourages the start of, war.
warmth the quality or condition of being warm; warmness. [5 definitions]
warm-up a set of preliminary exercises to prepare a person or animal for a physically demanding workout, performance, or contest. [4 definitions]
warm up to prepare for physical exercise or other activity by practicing just beforehand.
warn to alert to possible harm, trouble, or danger; caution. [6 definitions]
warning the words, sound, or act of a person or thing that warns. [4 definitions]
War of 1812 the war between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815.
War of American Independence see "American Revolution."
war of nerves a conflict consisting primarily of psychological techniques, as of confusion or intimidation, rather than overt military or physical action.
warp to bend or twist out of shape, esp. from a flat or straight form. [10 definitions]
war paint pigments applied to the face and body by warriors, as those of some American Indian tribes, before a battle.
warpath among Native Americans, a condition of preparing for, traveling in search of, or engaging in war or warlike actions (prec. by on "the").
warp knit a fabric or garment knitted by machine in such a manner that runs do not occur in it.
warplane an aircraft used or designed for combat.
warrant in law, a judicial order or writ giving an officer of the law the right to make searches, seize property, make arrests, or execute judgments. [9 definitions]
warrantable combined form of warrant.