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hot air (informal) empty or exaggerated speech or writing.
hot-air balloon a bag made of thin material that is inflated with hot air, causing it to rise and float in the atmosphere. Large hot-air balloons can be attached to a basket or gondola, and used to transport people or equipment.
into thin air out of sight.
light air in meteorology, a wind with a speed of between one and three miles per hour.
lighter-than-air of or denoting an aircraft that is filled with a gas that is lighter than air.
liquid air air in the liquid state, condensed from the gas by cooling, and used mainly as a refrigerant.
off the air not broadcast on radio or television.
on the air broadcast on radio or television.
open air the outdoors.
open-air being, done, or occurring outdoors.
surface-to-air of or denoting a missile or the like that is launched from the ground toward a target or destination in the air.
up in the air not decided, not settled, or not certain.
walk on air to be extremely happy.