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come back to return. [5 definitions]
cornerback in football, one of two players on the outer edges of the defensive secondary who guard against end runs and cover wide receivers.
cut back to reduce (a plant) in size by cutting off parts. [2 definitions]
defensive back a player in American football, whose primary role is to deflect or intercept passes. [2 definitions]
fall back on to have another choice if something does not work out; resort to.
get back to return, esp. to return home. [4 definitions]
get back at to do something bad or unpleasant to (someone) in return for something bad or unpleasant that this person has done to one previously.
get back to to return a call or message, or to resume a conversation with (someone) at a later time, esp. by telephone. [2 definitions]
give back to return (something) to someone after taking, using, or borrowing. [3 definitions]
go back to return to a place, person, topic of discussion, or activity previously engaged in. [3 definitions]
go back on to take back.
go back to the drawing board to start at the very beginning again; begin anew.
hark back to return to a previous point, or, as in memory, to an earlier time or subject.
hold back to restrain (someone or something); prevent from going forth or coming out. [5 definitions]
in back behind.
ladder-back chair a chair having a back formed of horizontal slats between two uprights, resembling a ladder.
laid-back (informal) relaxed, unhurried, or casual.
look back to consider or recall the past. [2 definitions]
monkey on one's back (slang) a difficult burden, such as a drug addiction.
move back to move in a reverse direction. [4 definitions]