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Multi-word Results
day letter in former times, a telegram sent during the day that was cheaper but slower than a regular telegram.
day lily any of several wild and cultivated varieties of lily whose multiple, trumpet-shaped flowers each bloom for a single day.
day nursery a nursery school in which preschool children, usu. of working parents, receive care and supervision during the day.
Day of Atonement see "Yom Kippur."
day room a room for recreation, reading, or writing, as in a military barracks, nursing home, or other institution.
day school a private school for pupils who live at home and attend classes only during the day. (Cf. boarding school.) [2 definitions]
Day-Glo trademark for a substance used to produce vivid fluorescence in paints or colors.
day-to-day occurring daily; routine. [2 definitions]
day-tripper one who makes a day-long trip but does not stay overnight.
degree-day a unit that represents one degree of difference, from a standard temperature, in the mean outdoor temperature on a certain day.
Discovery Day see "Columbus Day."
Dominion Day see "Canada Day."
fast day a day in which one abstains from eating, esp. as a religious duty.
Father's Day a holiday in the United States that honors fathers, celebrated every year on the third Sunday in June. People often give gifts to their fathers on this day.
feast day (often cap.) a periodic commemorative event or occasion, esp. a religious festival celebrating a saint or holy occurrence.
field day a day set aside for such activities as games and athletic contests. [2 definitions]
Flag Day June 14, a day commemorating the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States.
good day used as expression of greeting or farewell in the daytime.
Groundhog Day February 2, on which tradition asserts that a certain groundhog comes out of its hole, and that if it sees its shadow, six more weeks of winter weather will follow.
Guy Fawkes Day November 5, a holiday in the UK on the anniversary of Guy Hawkes' failed attempt in 1605 to blow up the House of Lords, celebrated with bonfires and fireworks.