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holy day a day of special religious observance.
Inauguration Day the day the President of the United States is inaugurated, January 20 following the presidential election.
Independence Day a U.S. national holiday celebrated on July 4 to remember the signing of the Declaration of Independence from England in 1776; Fourth of July.
Judgment Day in Christian theology, the day of God's last judgment; day of reckoning; doomsday.
Labor Day a holiday in the United States and Canada to honor the labor of working people. Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
latter-day of contemporary or modern times.
Latter-day Saint see "Mormon."
lay day any of several days allowed for loading or unloading a ship without extra charge.
Lord's day Sunday; the Sabbath (prec. by "the").
make one's day to cause one's experience of the current day to be perfect, happy, or complete (sometimes used sarcastically to give the opposite meaning).
Martin Luther King Day a holiday observed in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., an important black leader of the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday of January.
May Day the first day of May, celebrated traditionally by a dance around a Maypole and the crowning of a May queen, and recently established in some countries as a holiday in honor of international labor.
Memorial Day a U.S. holiday to honor dead soldiers, usually held on the last Monday in May.
Midsummer Day the June 24th celebration of the birth of John the Baptist.
Mother's Day a holiday to honor mothers, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom on the second Sunday in May every year. People often give gifts or do nice things for their mothers on this day.
name day the feast day of a saint for whom one is named. [2 definitions]
New Year's Day the first day of the new year, January 1.
night and day without rest or interruption; seeming to have no end.
officer of the day a military officer assigned, on a given day, to maintain the security and order of a military post or installation.
Pancake Day (chiefly British; informal) Shrove Tuesday.