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Multi-word Results
know-it-all (informal) a person who acts as if he or she knows almost everything.
live it up to enjoy oneself in an unrestrained or carefree way.
make it to do well; succeed. [2 definitions]
make it up to (someone) to repay (someone) in some way for a wrong, or perceived wrong, done to that person.
mix it up (informal) to fistfight or quarrel.
pack it in (informal) to stop what one is doing temporarily or permanently; stop; quit. [2 definitions]
play it by ear to act without planning in advance; improvise.
play it safe to act so as to prevent or avoid misfortune or danger; be cautious.
rough it to live without the ordinary daily comforts.
save it for a rainy day to save money for future need, rather than spend it immediately.
sock it to someone (slang) to deliver a devastating criticism or blow to someone.
tough it out (informal) to endure hardship stoically.
watch it to be careful; to have caution.
when it comes to with regard to (some particular aspect of something); with respect to; concerning.
whoop it up (informal) to make loud noises or a disturbance, as in celebration. [2 definitions]
wing it (informal) to proceed without advance preparation or a plan; improvise.
worth it successful in compensating for the effort, time, trouble, or expense required.