Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
life span the length of time that a human, animal, or plant lives or can be expected to live.
life-giving able to give life; revitalizing; refreshing; inspiring.
life-size having the size of an original object.
life-support of or pertaining to equipment or procedures that can sustain life, either when a bodily system fails or when a living body is in a hostile environment, such as space.
life-support system a system of equipment, esp. in a hospital, that keeps a person alive when he or she might otherwise die. [2 definitions]
life-threatening having the potential to kill, as an injury or disease.
lifestyle the general way of life of a person or group, including typical jobs and activities, attitudes towards work and money, values, and the like.
love life that part of a person's life involving love or sexual relationships.
marine life plants and animals that live in the sea.
pro-life holding the view that abortion to end a pregnancy is morally wrong.
real life reality; not fiction, fantasy, or representation of reality.
real-life pertaining to or occurring in reality, as opposed to fiction.
right-to-life of or pertaining to a belief, organization, political party, or the like that is opposed to artificially induced abortion, esp. legalized abortion; anti-abortion.
sea life see "marine life."
shelf life the length of time a product can be stored without spoiling or deteriorating.
staff of life bread, considered the most basic, necessary food.
still life the small objects, such as fruit, flowers, and bottles, that are used as subjects for a painting or photograph. [2 definitions]
tree of life in the Bible, a tree in the Garden of Eden bearing fruit that would confer immortality to one who ate it. [3 definitions]
true-life like or accurately depicting reality.
walk of life job or social position.