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Multi-word Results
long-lived having or having had a long life. [2 definitions]
long-playing pertaining to a phonograph record meant to be played at thirty-three and one third revolutions per minute. (See "LP.")
long-range involving or relating to a period of time relatively far in the future. [2 definitions]
long-sighted farsighted.
long-suffering patiently enduring persistent or prolonged hardships, injuries, or troubles. [2 definitions]
long-term covering an extended period of time.
long-waisted having an unusually low waistline; exceptionally long between shoulders and waist. (Cf. short-waisted.)
long-winded speaking or writing at too great a length, esp. in a dull or tiresome way; verbose. [2 definitions]
not by a long shot by no means; definitely not.
so long (informal) good-bye; farewell.
the long haul a relatively short or long distance. [2 definitions]