Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
lady's man see "ladies' man."
man about town a man whose worldly social life and knowledge of fashionable places keep him in public notice.
man Friday a male employee, aide, or assistant who faithfully attends to a variety of tasks.
man in the street a common, ordinary man; average citizen (usu. understood to include women).
man of God a priest, minister, or rabbi; clergyman. [2 definitions]
man of letters a man whose occupation or avocation is in literature, esp. as a writer, critic, scholar, or translator.
man of the world a man of experience and sophistication.
man-at-arms a soldier, esp. a heavily armed horseman of the medieval period.
man-hour a unit of industrial time or production equal to the amount of work one person can or does produce in one hour.
man-made made or formed by human beings; not natural.
man-o'-war bird see "frigate bird."
man-of-war an old word for warship. [2 definitions]
man-sized (informal) large.
medicine man a person who heals, or is thought to have spiritual powers, among North American Indians and some other peoples.
odd man out any outsider; one who has been excluded. [2 definitions]
old man (informal) one's father. [3 definitions]
party man one who is loyal to a political party or who follows the party line.
Peking man a type of early human whose fossil remains were found near Beijing, China.
Piltdown man a skull, found in 1911, believed to represent a species of prehistoric human but shown in 1953 to be a forged composite of modern human and ape bone fragments.
plainclothesman a policeman, esp. a detective who wears civilian clothes while on duty.