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number-cruncher (informal) a person, machine, program or the like that performs a great many complicated numerical calculations.
octane number a number that designates the antiknock properties of a gasoline, based on the percentage of isooctane in it; octane rating.
odd number a whole number that cannot be divided exactly by 2.
one-digit number a whole number containing one digit, such as 2.
ordinal number any number that indicates a position in a numbered order. "First," "third," "fifteenth," and "thousandth" are ordinal numbers.
perfect number a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its divisors, including one but excluding itself.
Personal Identification Number an identification number entered on a keypad to gain remote electronic access to one's bank account or other financial accounts.
phone number a short form of telephone number.
prime number a number that can be evenly divided only by itself or by one. Two and eleven are prime numbers.
registration number (chiefly British) the registered set of numbers and letters found on the license plates of a vehicle; license plate number.
round number a number given in terms of the nearest whole number, or given in the nearest tens, hundreds, or the like. The number 50 is a round number for 47.
serial number a number that is one of a series and is assigned to someone or something for identification, as to a soldier, automobile, or piece of paper currency.
Social Security Number a number issued by the U.S. federal government to citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents of the United States for the purposes of tracking working individuals.
three-digit number a whole number containing three digits, such as 365.
two-digit number a whole number containing two digits, such as 22.
whole number a counting number or zero. 1, 5, 15, and 258 are examples of whole numbers.
without number countless.
wrong number a telephone number incorrectly or mistakenly dialed. [2 definitions]