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Multi-word Results
cut off one's nose to spite one's face to take spiteful or vengeful action that causes pain or disadvantage to oneself.
die off (of animals or plants) to die one after another, gradually decreasing the total number within a population.
doze off to fall into a light sleep.
drop off to fall asleep.
drop-off a sudden, sharp slope. [2 definitions]
dry off to make the surface of something dry. [2 definitions]
face-off in ice hockey, the initiation of play in which the referee drops the puck between two opposing team members who then contend for control of it. [2 definitions]
fall off to decline, decrease, or diminish.
fall-off a reduction or decline, as in quantity, vigor, or activity.
far-off at or from a distance; a long way away; distant.
faroff distant in space or time; remote.
first off at once; immediately.
fly off the handle to become very angry; lose one's temper (an informal use).
get off to leave (a public vehicle) after riding. [9 definitions]
get off on (slang) to get excited or aroused by; take pleasure in.
get off the ground to launch or begin something successfully.
give off to release into the air; emit.
go off to explode. [8 definitions]
go off on (someone) (informal) to explode in anger or outrage at someone, usually with a burst of speech.
go off on a tangent to switch suddenly from a main topic or course of action to another that is irrelevant.