Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
open-end lacking designated or agreed-upon limits.
open-ended not having fixed or set limits; unrestricted. [4 definitions]
open-eyed with the eyes open, esp. in amazement or wonder. [3 definitions]
open-faced having a frank, open face; unreserved; ingenuous. [2 definitions]
open-heart surgery surgery involving diversion of the blood so that the heart can be exposed and repaired.
open-hearth of, concerning, or referring to a type of furnace used to make high-grade steel. [2 definitions]
open-minded not having made opinions or decisions ahead of time; willing to consider new ideas.
open-mouthed having an open mouth. [4 definitions]
open-toed of shoes, having an opening or being open at the toe.
U.S. Open a major annual tennis tournament held in the U.S. in late summer, open to all contestants, amateur and professional.
wide-open opened completely. [2 definitions]