Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
put out the welcome mat to extend an enthusiastic and generous welcome.
put paid to to destroy; put an end to.
put stock in to consider believable and important.
put the cart before the horse to do or place things in a way that is not their logical order.
put the screws on to make someone do something by exerting pressure or force.
put through the wringer to subject to a difficult ordeal, such as an interrogation.
put to to ask (a certain question) to (someone); pose (a question) to. [3 definitions]
put to a vote to submit (an issue, matter, or the like) to be decided upon by voting, or to carry out a vote on.
put to bed to prepare someone, such as a child or disabled person, for rest or sleep in a bed.
put to shame to cause to feel ashamed. [2 definitions]
put to the sword to kill, esp. with a sword; execute.
put to use to apply or employ to one's advantage.
put together to construct something from parts. [3 definitions]
put up to erect or construct (something). [11 definitions]
put up with to accept or live with (a difficult thing or person); tolerate.
put words in one's mouth to misinterpret or misrepresent what someone has said.
put-down (informal) a comment or action that has the intent or result of embarrassing, humiliating, or rejecting someone. [2 definitions]
put-on done or assumed deceptively; pretended. [3 definitions]
put-out annoyed, angry, or upset. [2 definitions]
put-put the popping sound made by a small internal combustion engine. [2 definitions]