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Multi-word Results
red lead a poisonous red powder of lead oxide, used in paints, pottery, and glassmaking.
red light a red-colored electric light at an intersection indicating that traffic is to stop; stoplight. [2 definitions]
red meat meat that has a red color before cooking, such as beef, venison, or mutton.
red oak any of several North American oaks that have dark bark, leaves with pointed tips, and a two-year maturation for their acorns. [2 definitions]
red pepper cayenne pepper. [2 definitions]
Red Planet see "Mars."
red salmon see "sockeye salmon."
Red Sea a part of the Indian Ocean. It lies between the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa. The Suez Canal connects it to the Mediterranean Sea.
red shift the tendency of light waves from distant luminous bodies such as galaxies to decrease in frequency with movement away from the observer. (See Doppler effect.)
red snapper any of several tropical or semitropical marine food fishes having reddish bodies.
red spider any of various small red spiderlike mites that feed on vegetation.
red squirrel a common North American tree squirrel with reddish or tawny fur.
red tape official forms, regulations, and procedures, esp. those resulting in delay and frustration.
red tide a brownish red discoloration of sea waters caused by a local overabundance of certain single-celled algae that are toxic to many forms of marine life.
red-blooded strong and energetic; virile.
red-eye bloodshot or irritated eyes, caused by strain, lack of sleep, illness, or the like. [2 definitions]
red-eye gravy gravy made from the juices of fried ham, usu. by adding coffee and water to the pan.
red-handed in the act of doing something wrong or illegal.
red-hot red or glowing with, or as though with, intense heat. [5 definitions]
red-letter significant, as a happy occasion; memorable.