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Multi-word Results
take one's breath away to fill suddenly with great surprise; startle.
take one's time to proceed without hurrying in any way.
take out to extract; remove from inside something. [3 definitions]
take over to take control of (something that had previously been controlled by another or others). [3 definitions]
take pains (to do something) to make a special effort in order to produce a desired result.
take part to participate; involve oneself (usu. fol. by "in").
take part in to involve yourself in; be active in.
take pity to help, or to treat mercifully, because of a feeling of compassion (usu. fol. by "on").
take place to happen.
take root to send out new roots; begin to grow or become fixed in the ground. [2 definitions]
take shape to come to have a more complete form.
take someone's part to support someone; to be on someone's side.
take stock to review (something) very carefully, esp. before making a decision (often fol. by "of").
take the bull by the horns to handle a difficult problem in a direct manner, even if one is afraid.
take the cake to outdo all others, usually in acting in some undesirable way or having some negative quality.
take the pledge to vow to abstain from alcoholic beverages.
take the plunge to take bold action, esp. after a period of doubt.
take the rap (slang) to receive blame or punishment.
take time to require a substantial amount of time to do something or for something to happen. [2 definitions]
take to heart to regard seriously or with concern.