Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
World Series the annual championship playoff between the winning teams of the two major U.S. baseball leagues.
World War I a major four-year war fought primarily in Europe between the Allies, including France, Great Britain, and the United States, and the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, that ended in 1918 with the collapse of the Central Powers; Great War.
World War II the major war of 1939-45, fought between Germany, Italy, and Japan on one side, and Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union on the other. It ended with the collapse of Germany and the surrender of Japan.
World Wide Web a part of the Internet. The World Wide Web is made of documents called "pages" that are linked to each other.
world-famous famous all over the world.
world-shaking of sufficient importance, effect, size, or influence to affect the whole world.
world-weary weary of the pleasures, occupations, and concerns of this world; bored with life.