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barberry any of various shrubs, often spiny, that have leathery leaves and bear clustered yellow flowers and small ovoid red-orange berries.
berbere an Ethiopian spice blend, red in color and containing chili pepper and paprika, often used in stews and curries.
beriberi a disease of the nervous system, caused by lack of thiamine and characterized by paralysis of the extremities and by swelling or emaciation.
brasserie an informal restaurant that serves beer as well as food.
brassiere a woman's undergarment designed to support the breasts; bra.
briar a pipe made from the brierroot.
bribe something, esp. money, that is illicitly promised or given in return for privileges or favors, usu. to someone in a position of public trust. [4 definitions]
bribery the offering or accepting of a bribe.
brier1 any of several thorny plants or shrubs, esp. the sweetbrier or greenbrier. [2 definitions]
brier2 a white heath of southern Europe, the woody root of which is used in making tobacco pipes.