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cock1 the adult male of a chicken or other fowl; rooster. [8 definitions]
cock2 to tilt to one side or to turn upward, esp. jauntily, alertly, or expectantly. [2 definitions]
cock3 a cone-shaped stack of hay, straw, or the like. [2 definitions]
cocky arrogantly self-confident.
cooky variant of cookie.
corky of or resembling cork, as in texture or buoyancy. [2 definitions]
jack any of a number of devices used to lift all or a part of a heavy object a short distance, as by leverage or hydraulic pressure. [7 definitions]
jack- male; man. [2 definitions]
jerky1 characterized by sudden starts and stops or other abrupt movements.
jerky2 beef or venison that has been preserved by being cut into long strips and dried.
jock1 (informal) someone employed to ride horses in races; jockey.
jock2 a jockstrap. [2 definitions]
jockey someone employed to ride horses in races. [6 definitions]
joke a short fictional story told to provoke laughter, esp. in reaction to the ending. [7 definitions]
kook (slang) a person considered to be eccentric, strange, or crazy.
rocky1 having or full of rocks. [3 definitions]
rocky2 likely or tending to rock; shaky; unsteady. [3 definitions]