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Persephone in Greek mythology, the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, carried off by Hades to the underworld and thereafter permitted to spend only half the year back in the world. The myth presents this cycle of loss and return as the origin of the seasons.
piston a usu. cylindrical machine part that moves up and down within a close-fitting sleeve and thereby powers an engine or the like.
Poseidon in Greek mythology, the god of the sea; Neptune.
positron in physics, an elementary particle equal to an electron in mass, spin, and magnitude of charge, but whose charge is positive.
post1 a pole or stake placed in the ground to serve as a marker, or for supporting a fence or other structure. [6 definitions]
post2 a position or duty to which one is assigned. [4 definitions]
post3 the organized delivery of mail, or an instance of such delivery. [7 definitions]
postern a small, usu. private entrance or gate, usu. in the back or at the side of a building. [2 definitions]
postilion someone who rides the front, left-hand horse of a horse-drawn coach.
postman one who delivers mail.
postpone to defer until a later time.
postteen combined form of teen.