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trammel (usu. pl.) a restraint or impediment to free movement. [6 definitions]
trample to tread on or with a heavy, noisy, crushing step. [4 definitions]
trampoline a sheet of strong canvas stretched on a horizontal frame by springs or elastic cords, used for tumbling and acrobatics.
tripletail any of several chiefly marine fishes having large, trailing dorsal and anal fins that resemble tails.
Tripoli the seaport capital of Libya. [2 definitions]
tripoli a porous, lightweight rock consisting of weathered chert or siliceous limestone, used as a polishing powder.
trommel a rotating cylindrical or conical sieve used for sorting coal, gravel, or the like.
tromp (informal) to walk with a heavy or noisy step; tramp. [3 definitions]
trompe l'oeil a painting or sculpture in which the illusions of three-dimensionality and tactile reality are so convincing that the viewer may not be sure if what is seen is real or represented. [2 definitions]
tropology the use of tropes or figurative language in writing. [3 definitions]
trumpery something of little value; useless finery. [3 definitions]
trumpet a brass wind instrument with three valves atop a looped tube that ends in a flared bell, which produces bright, strong, often piercing tones. [9 definitions]
trumpeter one who plays a trumpet; trumpet player. [5 definitions]