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hosiery socks or stockings collectively.
hot-wire (informal) to start (an automobile or the like) by crossing or connecting the ignition wires, rather than by using a key.
how by what manner or means. [10 definitions]
how about what is your desire about having or doing.
how're (informal) contracted form of "how are."
hurrah used as an exclamation of joy, approval, triumph, encouragement, or the like. [4 definitions]
shower1 a brief fall of rain. [11 definitions]
ware (usu. pl.) manufactured products or other articles of commerce, including salable skills, knowledge, or the like; goods. [2 definitions]
wares things offered for sale.
warrior a person who fights or has experience in battle; soldier. [2 definitions]
wary on watchful guard against threat, danger, or trickery; cautious. [2 definitions]
you the person or persons being addressed. [2 definitions]