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Multi-word Results
fitness ball a large, bouncy ball used in exercise programs or physical therapy to increase muscle control, strength, and flexibility.
fly ball in baseball, a batted ball that rises high in the air; fly. (Cf. ground ball.)
foul ball in baseball, a batted ball that does not remain within the foul lines.
ground ball in baseball, a batted ball that quickly strikes the ground and bounces or rolls; grounder. (Cf. fly ball.)
jump ball in basketball, a method of putting the ball in play in which the referee tosses the ball straight up between two opposing players, who leap and try to tap the ball to a teammate.
knuckle ball in baseball, a slow pitch thrown with the knuckles or tips of two or three fingers pressed against the ball, causing it to waver and jump; knuckler.
masked ball a ball at which the guests wear masks and often costumes.
medicine ball a large, heavy leather ball that is thrown back and forth in physical conditioning and exercise.
on the ball acting with efficiency and competence. [2 definitions]
passed ball in baseball, a pitch that a catcher should be able to catch, but does not, thus allowing any baserunner to advance. (Cf. wild pitch.)
play ball (slang) to do exactly as requested, esp. to avoid trouble or harm to oneself or others.
soccer ball the round ball used in the game of soccer.
tea ball a hollow, perforated metal ball in which tea leaves are placed to be immersed and steeped in boiling water.
tennis ball a small round ball covered with a felt-like material used in the game of tennis.