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Multi-word Results
break dancing a style of dancing involving acrobatic movements, such as spinning headstands, pantomime, and jerky, robotlike movements.
break down to stop working.
break even to emerge from a transaction without either profit or loss.
break in to enter by force and illegally. [2 definitions]
break into to enter by force.
break loose to break the physical bonds of something and become free. [2 definitions]
break off to terminate or discontinue (something previously binding). [4 definitions]
break out to escape from a place where one is incarcerated. [5 definitions]
break the bank (informal) to bring someone or something to financial ruin.
break the ice to relieve social tensions caused by formal conventions or awkwardness.
break the law to do something that is not allowed by the law.
break up to break into pieces. [3 definitions]
break-even of or designating a point at which credits and debits are equal, as in a business that shows neither a profit nor a loss.
break-in an incident in which a home or other property is entered without authorization and for an illegal purpose, especially that of burglary.
coffee break a short rest from work, usu. in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, for coffee or other refreshments.
fast break a play, esp. in basketball, in which a team advances quickly down the playing area to try to score before the defense is prepared.
give (someone) a break to refrain from giving (someone) a punishment or negative consequence, although such punishment or consequence would normally be expected. [3 definitions]
service break an instance of winning a game on the opponent's serve, as in tennis.
station break an interval, during or between radio or television program broadcasting, that allows a station or network to make announcements, identify itself, present commercials, or the like.