Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
associate's degree a degree that you get after finishing a program of studies at a community college.
bachelor's degree a degree that you get after finishing a program of studies at a college or university.
degree-day a unit that represents one degree of difference, from a standard temperature, in the mean outdoor temperature on a certain day.
external degree a college or university diploma awarded to a nonmatriculated student who has earned credit through work experience, nonacademic training, independent study, or the passing of proficiency examinations.
first-degree of or concerning the lowest or first level in a series of levels or intensities. [2 definitions]
first-degree burn the level of burn that produces pain, heat, and reddening of the skin but no blistering or charring.
first-degree murder a premeditated murder, carried out with deliberate intention to kill.
master's degree a degree that you get after finishing an advanced program of study at a college or university.
third degree intensive, often painful questioning, as of a police prisoner (usu. prec. by "the"). [2 definitions]
to a degree somewhat.