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Down East (sometimes l.c.) New England, esp. the state of Maine.
down in the mouth depressed; sad.
down payment money to pay for part of the price of something that is very expensive.
down the drain to no good purpose; wasted.
down to to the extreme extent of (the smallest thing). [3 definitions]
down under (informal) Australia or New Zealand.
down-and-out without money, friends, or hope.
down-home of, resembling, or characteristic of the qualities associated with rural folk or family, such as hospitality, simplicity, and warmth.
down-to-earth practical, straightforward, sensible, and realistic. [2 definitions]
dressing-down a severe scolding.
drop-down menu a menu in a computer program interface whose title is visible but whose contents are revealed only when the title is clicked on, allowing a user to choose an item on the menu.
eiderdown the soft down from the breast of the female eider, or a quilt or comforter filled with this down. [3 definitions]
fall down to fall to the ground.
get down to move one's body to a lower place or position. [7 definitions]
go down to decrease or descend. [5 definitions]
hand down to give to one's children or successors.
hand-me-down used clothing or some other article passed on to someone, as from an older brother or sister. [4 definitions]
have (something) down pat (informal) to have learned something thoroughly.
hunt down to search for rigorously and find.
knock down to force (a person or object that had been standing) to fall to the ground.