Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
British East India Company a British company that carried on trade with the East Indies from 1600 to 1874 under the sanction of a royal government charter.
Down East (sometimes l.c.) New England, esp. the state of Maine.
East Berlin formerly, the capital of East Germany.
East China Sea an extension of the North Pacific between China, Korea, and Japan.
East Coast the easternmost part of the United States, consisting of the states along the Atlantic coast, often esp. the region stretching from Maine to Washington D.C.
East Germany formerly, a European country between West Germany and Poland, in 1990 reunited with West Germany; German Democratic Republic.
East India Company see "British East India Company." [2 definitions]
East Indies the Malay Archipelago, esp. Indonesia; East India.
East Timor a country in Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the eastern part of the island of Timor, which it shares with the nation of Indonesia.
east-northeast a point on the compass halfway between east and northeast. [2 definitions]
east-southeast a point on the compass halfway between east and southeast. [2 definitions]
Far East a region that includes East, Southeast, and South Asia.
Middle East the region along the southeastern and eastern border of the Mediterranean from Libya and eastward to Afghanistan. (Cf. Far East, Near East.)
Near East the countries near or bordering the extreme eastern end of the Mediterranean, including those of southwestern Asia, northeastern Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula.