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Multi-word Results
flying field an airfield for small planes.
flying fish any of several related marine fishes with stiff, enlarged pectoral or pelvic fins that enable them to glide in the air after leaping from the water.
flying fox any of various fruit-eating bats found in tropical regions of Australia, Africa, and Asia, whose head resembles that of a fox.
flying frog any of several tree frogs of southeastern Asia having an expanse of webbing between the toes that allows them to make long gliding leaps.
flying gunnard any of several mostly tropical marine fishes with colorful winglike pectoral fins that enable them to glide above the water for short distances.
flying jib a small, light, triangular sail mounted out beyond the jib, usu. on an extension of the jib boom.
flying saucer any of various bright disk-shaped objects occasionally seen hovering or flying at high altitudes, often presumed to be spacecraft from another world; UFO.
flying squirrel a squirrel with winglike membranes connecting the forelegs to the hind legs, that enable it to make long gliding leaps through the air.
flying start a quick start or beginning, as in a race, project, or the like. [2 definitions]
frit fly any of several small flies whose larvae are destructive to grain.
fruit fly any of numerous small flies whose larvae feed on ripe fruits and vegetables.
harvest fly any of several cicadas whose shrill noise is heard in late summer.
Hessian fly a small fly, the larvae of which infest and consume the stems of grasses, wheat, and other grain plants.
ichneumon fly any of various winged, wasplike insects whose larvae live as parasites in other insect larvae; ichneumon wasp.
Mediterranean fruit fly a small two-winged fruit fly, the larvae of which infest and feed on many types of fruit.
pop fly in baseball, a high fly ball in or near the infield area, usu. one that can be caught easily; pop-up; pop.
robber fly any of numerous related, swift, often large flies that prey on other insects.
sacrifice fly in baseball, a fly ball that puts the batter out but enables a runner to score from third base.
sand fly any of various small, tropical, bloodsucking flies, some of which transmit diseases to humans.
Spanish fly a potentially dangerous powder made by grinding a species of European blister beetle and formerly used as a diuretic or aphrodisiac. [2 definitions]