Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
aside from except for; besides.
bolt from the blue something that occurs without warning and with shocking abruptness.
come from to have (a particular place) as one's first home or place of birth. [2 definitions]
far be it from me I would not dare or venture.
from A to Z from beginning to end; completely; thoroughly.
from now on from the present moment and forever into the future.
from rags to riches from a state of poverty to a state of wealth and comfort.
from scratch from the very beginning.
from stem to stern from one end to the other; throughout the whole.
from the housetops far and wide; publicly.
from time to time occasionally; sometimes but not frequently.
hail from to have as one's place of birth or residence; come from.
keep the wolf from the door to ward off poverty.
shoot from the hip (informal) to do or say without thought or consideration.