Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
Great Sandy Desert a desert region in northwestern Australia.
great seal the chief seal of a government or state, used to stamp official documents.
Great Victoria Desert a desert region in southwestern Australia.
Great Vowel Shift a series of shifts in English vowel sounds that took place from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century and changed the vowel system of Middle English into that of Modern English.
Great Wall of China a defensive fortification in northern China which stretches for thousands of miles. Parts of the structure were built as early as the seventh century BCE. These and other parts were connected in the third century, beginning the creation of what became considered the Great Wall. Later parts were eventually added, especially in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries.
Great War World War I.
great white shark any of the family of large predatory fishes of the world's temperate coastal regions that has a white underbelly, multiple rows of rotating teeth, and an average size of 13 feet (4 m.) in length and 4000 pounds (1814 kg.) in weight.
great-aunt a sister of one's grandmother or grandfather; grandaunt.
great-grandchild a child of one's grandson or granddaughter.
great-grandfather the grandfather of a person's mother or father.
great-grandmother the grandmother of a person's mother or father.
great-grandparent a parent of one's grandmother or grandfather.
great-nephew a son of one's nephew or niece; grandnephew.
great-niece a daughter of one's nephew or niece; grandniece.
great-uncle the brother of one's grandfather or grandmother; granduncle.