Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
high-level of, involving, or being a person or persons of exceptional status or importance. [2 definitions]
high-minded displaying or possessing a great concern for ethical principles or lofty ideals or sentiments.
high-octane having a high octane number.
high-pitched of a sound, shrill or sharp; characterized by a high frequency. [4 definitions]
high-powered characterized by great vitality, energy, or force.
high-pressure of, concerning, or characterized by a pressure much higher than normal atmospheric pressure. [4 definitions]
high-proof of an alcoholic liquor, containing a relatively high percentage of alcohol.
high-protein of a diet or food substance, rich in protein.
high-quality of a quality higher than average.
high-resolution pertaining to an image that has fine detail and a large number of pixels per unit area, or to a device that produces such an image.
high-rise of, concerning, typical of, or being a building that has many stories and elevators. [2 definitions]
high-sounding imposing or impressive-sounding but pretentious.
high-speed designed to travel or operate at higher-than-standard speeds.
high-spirited enthusiastic, fiery, or courageous in temperament or behavior.
high-strung exceptionally nervous; easily upset; usually tense.
high-tech technology that requires or involves sophisticated techniques or equipment, such as genetic engineering or microelectronicshigh technology; high technology. [3 definitions]
high-tension possessing or transmitting electricity of high voltage.
high-test of or concerning a high-octane gasoline that has an esp. low boiling point.
high-toned having an elevated character, morality, or the like; dignified. [2 definitions]
high-waisted of a garment, having a waistline that is higher than the natural waist.