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Multi-word Results
rocking horse a toy horse built on springs or rockers that is large enough for a child to ride.
saddle horse a horse bred, trained, and used for riding. [2 definitions]
seahorse a small fish that swims with its head facing forward, but with its body and tail hanging down. Sea horses live in warm parts of the ocean. They use their curly tails to hang onto water plants.
stalking-horse anything used to divert attention from secret plans, schemes, intentions, or the like; decoy.
Tennessee Walking Horse any of several breeds of saddle horse characterized by a light, easy gait.
Trojan horse in Greek mythology, a huge wooden horse by means of which the Greeks besieging Troy cunningly gained entrance to and overran the city, ending the Trojan War. [2 definitions]
war-horse formerly, a horse used in battle. [3 definitions]
wheel horse the horse harnessed closest to the front wheel of a vehicle. [2 definitions]