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Multi-word Results
rocking horse a toy horse mounted on springs or rockers that is large enough for a child to ride; hobbyhorse.
saddle horse a horse bred, trained, and used for riding. [2 definitions]
seahorse a small semitropical marine fish that swims in an upright position, with its head, resembling that of a horse, at right angles to its body.
stalking-horse anything used to divert attention from secret plans, schemes, intentions, or the like; decoy.
Tennessee Walking Horse any of several breeds of saddle horse characterized by a light, easy gait.
Trojan horse in Greek mythology, a huge wooden horse by means of which the Greeks besieging Troy cunningly gained entrance to and overran the city, ending the Trojan War. [2 definitions]
war-horse formerly, a horse used in battle. [3 definitions]
wheel horse the horse harnessed closest to the front wheel of a vehicle. [2 definitions]