Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
House of Lords the upper, nonelective legislative house of the British parliament, made up of the nobility and high-ranking clergy.
House of Representatives the lower legislative house in many bicameral governing bodies, as in the U.S. Congress, most U.S. states, and many nations, such as Australia and New Zealand.
house of worship a church, temple, mosque or other place where religious services are carried out.
house organ a publication put out periodically by a business or other organization for its employees, customers, or the like.
house party the entertainment of guests overnight or for several days in a home, vacation residence, fraternity house, or the like.
house physician the resident physician of a hospital, hotel, or other establishment.
House Rules Committee a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. Often referred to as Rules Committee, its formal name is United States House Committee on Rules.
House Un-American Activities Committee a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country. (abbr.: HUAC)
house-raising a coming together of members of a rural community for the purpose of building a home or putting up the framework and roof of a home for another member.
joss house a Chinese temple or shrine which houses idols that are worshiped.
keep house to clean, cook, and take care of other typical household tasks.
long house a long wooden dwelling shared by many families, esp. of the Iroquois or other North American Indian tribes.
lower house (often cap.) in a bicameral legislature, the branch that is usu. more representative and has the larger number of members.
mail-order house a company or firm that does its business through the mail.
on the house free, as a gift from a business establishment.
open house a time during which one's home is open to friends and relatives for informal visits. [2 definitions]
opera house a theater, esp. one in which operas are performed.
packing house a plant in which food, esp. meat, is processed and packaged for the wholesale market.
Parker House roll a roll shaped by folding over a round, flattened piece of dough.
public house an inn or tavern; pub.