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Multi-word Results
low-impact of or relating to a form of physical exercise that puts minimal stress on the body, esp. upon the joints. [2 definitions]
low-key low in aggression or intensity; mild.
low-lying in a position that is not far above the ground or ocean.
low-minded demonstrating or possessing characteristics considered base or vulgar.
low-necked of a garment, having a low neckline; exposing the neck and sometimes the shoulders; décolleté.
low-pitched pitched in a low key or low range of tones. [3 definitions]
low-pressure having, exerting, or indicating less than normal pressure, as steam or water. [3 definitions]
low-priced costing very little.
low-proof having a low alcohol content.
low-resolution of or pertaining to an image that has a small number of pixels per unit area and therefore lacks fine detail. [2 definitions]
low-rise of a building, having only a few stories. (Cf. high-rise.) [2 definitions]
low-spirited in low spirits; depressed; dejected; sad.
low-tech not involving or using complex or specialized technology. [2 definitions]
low-tension of, carrying, or operating under relatively low voltage.
low-test of low-octane gasoline, having low volatility and a high boiling point.
low-water mark the lowest point reached by a low tide, or the lowest level of a body of water. [2 definitions]
Middle Low German the German language as it was spoken and written in northern Germany from the eleventh to the fifteenth century.
Old Low German the German language as spoken and written in northern Germany before the twelfth century.
run low to become nearly used up. [2 definitions]
very low frequency any radio frequency between ten and thirty kilohertz. (abbr.: VLF)