Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
new penny the official name of the smaller monetary unit of the United Kingdom and Ireland. (See penny.)
New Style the system of counting days and months according to the Gregorian calendar.
New Testament the books of the Christian Bible that tell of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his followers, including the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. (Cf. Old Testament.) [2 definitions]
new wave (sometimes cap.) any of various new movements or styles that depart radically from established ones, esp. in the arts or popular culture.
New World the Western Hemisphere.
new year a year that has recently begun or will soon begin. [2 definitions]
New Year's Day the first day of the new year, January 1.
New Year's Eve the evening of December 31, usu. marked by celebrations of the new year.
New York an eastern U.S. state between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic; New York State (abbr.: NY) [2 definitions]
New York City a metropolis in the southeast corner of New York State.
New Zealand a country on two large islands in the South Pacific, southeast of Australia.
new-found newly discovered or established.
Papua New Guinea a Pacific island country that consists mainly of the eastern end of the island of New Guinea, which it shares with Indonesia.
turn over a new leaf to alter one's behavior for the better; make a new start.