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Multi-word Results
run over of a moving vehicle or a driver operating a moving vehicle, to hit and knock down (someone or something), causing serious injury or death. [2 definitions]
run riot to move, act, or grow without control.
run the gauntlet to expose oneself to harsh criticism or attacks by multiple people, especially by being forced to proceed through two lines of attackers.
run up to keep adding to something and cause it to become large. [2 definitions]
run wild to grow unrestrained or unchecked. [2 definitions]
run-down in poor physical condition or health. [4 definitions]
run-in (informal) a clash or quarrel. [2 definitions]
run-of-the-mill commonplace or mediocre; ordinary; unremarkable.
run-on of or designating that which is run on or appended, as in printing or printed matter. [3 definitions]
run-on sentence in writing, two or more sentences incorrectly constructed as one.
run-through a quick review or rehearsal of a sequence of actions, such as a play, musical performance, or dance.
runoff an additional trial, contest, or election, as to break a tie. [2 definitions]
short-run lasting or enduring for only a brief time; short-term.
ski run a slope, trail, or course for skiing.