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B.S.1 a college degree earned in a science, such as biology or chemistry, after four years of study. "B.S." is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Science."
D.D.S. abbreviation of "Doctor of Dental Surgery."
D.S. abbreviation of "dal segno," from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage).
H.S. abbreviation of "High School," a school consisting of grades nine or ten through twelve or, formerly, grades seven through twelve (used in a proper name).
Harry S. Truman the 33rd President of the United States (1945 to 1953), who ordered the dropping of atomic bombs for the purpose of bringing an end to World War II in Japan (b.1884--d.1972).
M.S. abbreviation of "Master of Science," a master's degree awarded usu. in science, technology, or mathematics.
P.P.S. abbreviation of "post postscriptum" (Latin); a second or additional postscript.
P.S. written to introduce a note added to a letter that is below the writer's signature. "P.S." is an abbreviation of "postscript."
R.S.V.P. abbreviation of "répondez s'il vous plaît," (French) please reply. [2 definitions]
RSV abbreviation of "Respiratory Syncytial Virus," which causes a common upper respiratory illness characterized by symptoms such as cough, runny nose, and wheezing. Severe cases can have serious complications.
S and L abbreviation of "savings and loan (association)," a bank, usu. owned by its depositors, that pays interest to them on their savings, which it uses for lending for a variety of purposes.
S.A. abbreviation of "société anonyme" (French), or "sociedad anonima" (Spanish), or "societa anonima" (Italian); corporation.
S.S. abbreviation of "Schutzstaffel" (German); an elite military corps in Germany that functioned as a special security police arm of the Nazi Party.
SC abbreviation of "South Carolina."
SD abbreviation of "South Dakota."
U.S. abbreviation of "United States."
U.S. Open a major annual tennis tournament held in the U.S. in late summer, open to all contestants, amateur and professional.
U.S.A. abbreviation of "United States of America."
U.S.S.R. abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," the official name of the former "Soviet Union."