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Multi-word Results
lobster tail the edible flesh of a lobster's tail.
mare's-tail a narrow, filmy, sweeping band of cirrus cloud that resembles a horse's tail blowing in the breeze. [2 definitions]
rat-tail any of several deep-sea fishes with a large head and a long, tapering tail; grenadier.
swallow-tailed having a forked tail similar to that of a swallow. [2 definitions]
swallow-tailed coat a man's full dress coat having a long, rounded, split tail at the back.
tail end the very last part of anything; tag end; conclusion. (See rear end.)
tail wind a wind that blows in the same direction as the course of a vessel or aircraft.
white-tailed deer an animal with antlers, long legs, and hooves. White-tailed deer are mammals. They live in woodlands of northern South America, Central America, and the United States, and are very common in the eastern United States. They are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer.