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Multi-word Results
beat the tar out of (informal) to beat or whip severely. [2 definitions]
coal tar a thick black liquid formed by the distillation of bituminous coal, used as a raw material in the creation of dyes, drugs, plastics, and paints.
jack-tar a sailor.
pine tar a thick, blackish brown liquid obtained from the airless decomposition of pine wood, used in roofing compounds, paints, disinfectants, and expectorants.
tar and feather to punish or humiliate by coating with tar and feathers. [2 definitions]
tar paper a thick heavy paper saturated or coated with tar, used as a waterproof underlay in roofing and for other building purposes.
wood tar a dark sticky liquid distilled from the slow, flameless burning of wood, used as a preservative on timber, rope, and the like, and in the making of creosote and pitch.