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Multi-word Results
rice-paper tree a small Asian tree or shrub related to the ginseng, having pithy stems used in making rice paper.
sandbox tree a tropical American tree with a spiny trunk and woody seed capsules that burst noisily when ripe.
tree fern any of various, mostly tropical ferns that grow as large as trees and have a woody, trunklike stem with large, divided fronds at the top.
tree frog any of various small frogs that live in trees and have long toes with adhesive disks at the tip that aid in climbing.
tree house a structure built within the branches of a tree for children to play in.
tree lawn a strip of grass and often trees between a sidewalk and a roadway.
tree line the limit of northern or southern latitude beyond which trees do not grow to their normal height. [2 definitions]
tree of heaven an Asian shade tree, widely cultivated in the United States, that has compound leaves and unpleasant-smelling flowers.
tree of knowledge according to the Old Testament, the tree whose forbidden fruit gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil, and caused their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
tree of life in the Bible, a tree in the Garden of Eden bearing fruit that would confer immortality to one who ate it. [3 definitions]
tree ring the layer of wood made by a tree during a single year; annual ring. It is possible to figure out the age of a tree that has fallen or has been cut down by counting its rings.
tree squirrel any squirrel that lives in trees, such as the gray squirrel.
tree surgery the treatment of diseased and damaged trees, as by removing limbs, filling cavities, and dressing wounds in the bark.
tree toad see "tree frog."
tulip tree a North American tree, related to magnolias, that bears tuliplike flowers and has wood that is used in furniture.
tung tree any of several Asian trees whose seeds yield tung oil.
umbrella tree an American magnolia, having umbrella-shaped clusters of leaves and bearing red fruit and white flowers with an unpleasant odor. [2 definitions]